Environmental Solutions for Financial Executives

Environmental Asset Enhancement

Background: More than a million cubic yards of fill were needed to restore a tidal wetland as a wildlife refuge. Sources of fill included dredged sediments and upland excavation projects, presenting risks of contamination despite a rigorous sampling protocol. The client was also concerned about potential third party dumping and contractors that might circumvent protocols.

Role of ER&FS: ER&FS designed insurance to supplement sampling and pay for loss in the event of contamination or natural resource damage arising from the fill material and other exposures.

Client Benefits: The client proceeded with an agreement to be paid for receiving imported fill, savings millions of dollars in restoration costs, while restoring 1,400 acres of tidal salt marsh habitat for endangered species and other native wildlife.

Case Studies

Acquisition Due Diligence
Acquisition Financing
Asset Enhancement
Asset Retirement Obligations
Captive Risk-Reward
Claim Recovery
Claim Support
Coverage Evaluation
Coverage Negotiation
Development Financing
Financial Assurance
Liability Management
Liability Resolution
Merger Integration
Negotiation Strategy